Wednesday 10 April 2019

100 Word Challenge

Hello It's me again and today we did a 100 word challenge:

Hello, i’m in space right now in the lovely blue sky . It’s beautiful! The loneliness is kind of fun. It’s also very very blank and clear. Because no one has landed on the moon. So they can not build any buildings if they’re not on the moon. They cannot land on the moon because they don’t have enough fuel to lift of twice. Even though they take fuel with them. They send satellites close to the surface of the moon. I know that if you let water out in non gravity, it will turn into a cylinder.

I did 97 words, here is the rules of how you play:

  1. No more than 100 words.
  2. Have fun.
  3. Do not cheat (Not that I know you can).
  4. Don't count you words one by one so do it on google docks.
  5. To count them, highlight your text then click CTRL+SHIFT+C and the amount of words will pop up.

BYE! ! ! ! ! !

1 comment:

  1. That's a great photo. It must be very still and calm, I agree. Do you think the person in the photo has their feet on the moon's surface? How do you know?


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