Tuesday 30 July 2019

Bird Talk

The Bird Talk

Today we walked to the hall to have a talk with our old garden 2 table teacher, Mrs Best.
She left Owairaka to  be a Forest Ranger. She told us about Tui's, Wood Pigeon, Halks, Morepork's, Stoats and possums.

Hoje nós caminhamos ao corredor para ter uma conversa com nosso professor de mesa de jardim velho 2, Sra. Melhor.
Ela deixou Owairaka para ser um Forest Ranger. Ela nos contou sobre Tui's, Wood Pigeon, Halks, Morepork, Stoats e gambás.

Fact File

Arquivo de fatos

  • Morepork's and Halks have really big eyes to catch prey.
  • The Harrier Halks can go up to 230 wpm so they can catch their prey quickly.
  • Possums are being killed for their soft fluffy fur for coats and stuff.
  • Wood Pigeon eat berry's that have a little wine of some sort, they get drunk and crash into windows.
  • Tui's are native birds and they like nectar, they stuck their in flowers and get pollen stuck on their heads and pollinate.

  • Morepork e Halks têm olhos muito grandes para pegar presas.
  • O Harrier Halks pode ir até 230 wpm para que eles possam capturar suas presas rapidamente.
  • Possums estão sendo mortos por suas peles macias e fofas por casacos e outras coisas.
  • Pombo-da-madeira come frutos silvestres que têm um pouco de vinho de algum tipo, eles se embebedam e batem nas janelas.
  • Tui é pássaros nativos e eles gostam de néctar, eles colaram as flores deles delas e adquirem pólen colado em suas cabeças e polinizam.

Friday 26 July 2019

When I'm . . .

This is my when I'm from 10 year old to 24.


Thursday 25 July 2019

My Legacy

My legacy:

How will you be remembered?

  1. These people who are my hero's are Robert E. Khan and Vint Cerf
  2. These people my hero's because they invented the internet the only thing humans can't live without.
  3. Two words that describe these people are smart and amazing.
  4. One thing the person does that I admire is there very x3 smart.
  5. One way I can be more like my hero is by studding to be a sentience.

Are you a hero? Write a few sentences telling about something that you did that you think was heroic:

I use the internet every single day.
I got a good report! ;D

To Be A Hero

To be a hero

Hi this is Gina here, this is my hero thing questions and something from word cloud.
Bye till next time!

Monday 22 July 2019

Holiday Writing

This my holiday writing from when I went to Mt Ruapehu and YMCA.

Thursday 4 July 2019


This is my Neptune planet DLO. It has questions, a Genial.ly and a post card.


This is my Matariki DLO.


This is my Jupiter planet DLO. It has questions, Genial.ly and poster.


This is my Saturn planet DLO. It's got questions, a Genial.ly and a Kahoot!

BYE ! ! !

Monday 1 July 2019


  1. Slowly, we arrived at the at the shore of the abandoned island.
  2. Tall trees towered over us as we noticed them.
  3. Excused we slumped on to the sand like it was our home beds.
  4. We were all excited from the site of the abandoned island.

Adverb Sentences

  1. Happily, the children wrote large words in the golden sand.

  1. She walked along the large rocks searching for abandoned treasures from the sea.
  2. Her heart danced frantically as she realized they were stranded on an abandoned beach.

It was the windiest day of all fishing days. I lifted my head from my pillow to look my porthole to
see how bad the storm was but it was rocking so much that my head on something hard and
passed out. When I woke up the storm was over, I went outside and we had landed on an island.
The problem was that it looked abandoned. I went to the fuel storage room. There was not a drop of
fuel left. So I walked to the emergence fuel room and it was empty! I panicked and packed all the items I
had and rushed onto the abandoned island. Rowena finally woke up, then she asked: ‘What’s the . . .’ But
I interrupted and said: ‘No time to explain get everything you would need to survive!’ So that’s what she
did. We got everything we needed including teddy bear. As soon as we were done packing everything, I
started to create a hut of timber and sticks, then we stayed the night.

To be continued . .


This is my Venus Planet DLO. I only have my Genial.ly and my questions, because they are the only activity's.

BYE ! ! !